2024 Executive Board Nominees

In 2024, there will be elections for USDF President, Treasurer, and Regional Director in Regions 2, 4, 6, and 8. Elections will take place at the Board of Governors meeting during the 2024 Adequan®/USDF Annual Convention in Houston, TX in December. Any USDF member can nominate an Officer or Regional Director candidate. Consent of the potential nominee must be obtained prior to submission of his/her name. Nominations should be e-mailed to nominations@usdf.org, your region’s Nominating Committee representative, or the Nominating Committee chair. The deadline for Executive Board nominations is June 1. Nominations can also be made from the floor of the Board of Governors meeting at the convention.


Kevin Reinig (CA, Region 7)


Steven Schubert (FL, Region 3)

Region 2 Director

Debby Savage (OH) (incumbent)

Region 4 Director

Anne Sushko (IA) (incumbent)

Region 6 Director

Noah Rattner (OR) (incumbent)

Region 8 Director

Helen van der Voort (NY) (incumbent)

In addition to the abovementioned scheduled elections, a special election for Region 7 Director will also be held at the 2024 Board of Governors meeting to fill the position for the remainder of the term (January 1, 2025-December 31, 2025). USDF is currently accepting nominations for Region 7 Director, which should be sent to the USDF Nominating Committee Liaison at nominations@usdf.org. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor of the Board of Governors meeting.

Region 7 Director – Special Election

Regina Antonioli (CA) (currently the interim Region 7 Director)