Nominating Committee


To procure quality candidates to govern the United States Dressage Federation.


  1. Secure nominations for regional Participating Member (PM) delegates and the USDF Executive Board.
  2. Ensure that all GMO members are represented on the Board of Governors by GMO delegates.
  3. Educate the membership about the candidates and oversee the election process.


  1. Procure nominations for PM delegates in all nine regions by April 15.
  2. Procure nominations for the following USDF Executive Board positions by June 1, aiming for each position to have one or more qualified candidates: vice president, secretary, and regional director in USDF Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  3. Obtain GMO delegate and proxy appointments when designated by each GMO.
  4. Oversee the election process.
  5. Notify each GMO who fails to respond to delegate and proxy-holder requests that they lacked representation at the BOG.
